My wife started teaching at a primary school in Thapathali this academic year.
It means she now has less time to help our sons 10 & 8 with their schoolwork.
Ever since our sons started school she was the one taking care of their homework, projects, and assignments.
I am a little busy with my work so I only occasionally participated in our kids’ after-school activities.
Most of the time I used to have discussions with my wife about me not caring for their education and not helping them with their studies.
But for me, I wanted our kids to learn to take responsibility for their school work at home by themselves.
So I would constantly engage in conversation with my kids to help them understand the bigger picture of self-learning, discipline, and habits.
Like most kids these days my sons were more into TV and video gaming.
But recently our elder son has started to show a change in his behavior.
Instead of turning on the TV as the first thing he did in the past, these days he has been starting to read and do homework after waking up before breakfast.
I noticed this change.
Watched it build into a habit for him and encouraged him to continue by clearing out distractions around him.
I felt very proud of my son.
You are doing a great job, kid!
I wrote this to let him know that I admired his newfound understanding and discipline for study and school work.
That’s all for today.
– Bhupal
I am proud of you my son (10yo)!