Hey there, meet a highly skilled Full Stack Developer with a passion for computer programming and 13+ years of professional experience. Over the years working with local and global small to medium-scale businesses, I have developed skills in designing software systems, tracing data flow, developing features, fixing bugs, and enhancing web and mobile apps. My involvement in tech communities like GDG Kathmandu and OWASP Nepal has made an impact, however small, in seeding a Developer Relation and AppSec ecosystem in Nepal. I'm always exploring possible ways to share my crafts, learnings and experience with the world and continue to create top-quality web and mobile applications.

I first saw a computer in 1995 which was a gift to my brother from one of his professor. It was a mystry box powered by MS-DOS Operating System. I was entrigued to receive "Bad command or file name" for everything I typed. Later around 1998 on a dumb laptop I got from a relative of mine I downloaded and installed QBasic, wrote a handful of toy projects in it and in the process discovered a joy in programming. The Geocities web page I developed for our High School Club (Jayhos Group) was a blast. After college in 2010 I co-founded and ran Semicolon Developers for 5 years. From 2011-2015 I started and lead Kathmandu GTUG (later rebranded as GDG), local chapter of a developer relation program run by Google. During those 5 years I honed my Android mobile apps development skill, taught Prossional Web Development and Android Development Foundation courses to more than 100 students from all over Nepal at Semicolon Academy. After 2015 earthquake in Nepal I moved to the US and lived and worked there for 3 years. NOW / At present I'm based at Thapathali, Kathmandu. I'm passionately engaged in helping startups & educators have a digital presence and create content with Berkeley Computer. I maintain Online Baghchal (a two player abstract strategy board game originating in Nepal) as a hobby. Have you played Baghchal game yet? Do you like it? I enjoy playing it, let's play Baghchal online together sometime.

I go by:

  • I'm more of an idea person. Hanging out in person drains my energy, but I'm always open to remote networking and business opportunities (UTC +5:45) Drop an Email!
  • My Twitter DM is open, I prefer text chat over facetime, here: bhu1st
  • My mother-tongue is Nepali, I have intermediate proeficiency in written English and Spoken Hindi.

So what's in it for you? I love getting to know people around the world. You can email me. No need to ask a question. Just tell me where you are and what you're working on. I reply to all. Browse around to learn more about what I'm working on and what facinates me. You may discover an amusing मनशा (#manasha), some sutras on programming or learn about how I make a peace out of life. You might as well get a perspective on tech space from someone who have been on the trenches in Semicolon Valley (🇳🇵) and Silicon Valley (🇺🇸). Your comments here on my writings would motivate me to write more. And possibly subscribe to my private mailing list?

Gracias my internet friend for stopping by! 👋