Bhupal Sapkota Computer Programmer Unraveling art, science, and commerce behind technology. Passionate about teaching web/mobile programming, writing, and growing an online business.

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🚀 Writings

Because we forgot our memories shaped us. I write, so I remember.

Stop chasing money online, here’s what to do instead

Ever notice how when you start typing “stop chasing” into YouTube, the auto-suggestions seem to cover just about everything? Stop chasing women, love, relationships, you name it! But today, I want to chat about something a little different: chasing money. Spoiler alert—it’s just not worth the hassle. Let me take you back to the year […]

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17 things that motivates people in life

Success is a subjective concept, yet universally desired. What propels individuals towards their goals, driving them through obstacles and setbacks? Let’s delve into the multifaceted realm of motivation and explore what ignites the flames of ambition in different people. 1. Developing New Skills: The quest for continuous improvement fuels many individuals. The desire to expand […]

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Why Decision Paralysis is the Enemy of Progress and How to Overcome It?

There are different types of decisions that we make in our lives. Some decisions are small and insignificant, while others are significant and life-changing. Here are some of the decisions that we make in our lives: Career decisions: Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions that we make in our lives. It […]

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Every other job is disposable!

Justin Welsh, a solopreneur and digital creator I follow recently posted that every other job is disposable. It hit me hard since I was laid off recently too. Talking about the long-term prospect of a job I have a different way of thinking: I am in search of a job where you are not disposable. […]

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How to navigate the B2B Sales abyss?

I am focusing on sales for Berkeley Computer these days. We are a custom web/software/app design & development agency. We are a small business. We are a service business. We comprise of consultants. Unlike products where a sales funnel could help, I think we are stuck in the long sales cycle. And I have had […]

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Ground Zero to Glory: What it feels like to start from zero?

“Starting from zero” often refers to beginning a process or endeavor without any previous advantages, knowledge, or resources. It implies a fresh start or a new beginning, indicating that someone is commencing a journey or project with a clean slate and no pre-existing advantages. Semicolon Developers, my first business out of college led me to […]

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The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick

The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you “The Mom Test” is a book written by Rob Fitzpatrick. The book is a popular guide for entrepreneurs and product developers on how to effectively talk to potential customers to get valuable […]

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The Pros and Cons of Full-Time Freelancing: Is It Right for You?

Freelancing is a work arrangement where individuals offer their services or expertise to clients or companies on a project-by-project basis, often without being tied to a single employer in a long-term, traditional employment relationship. Freelancers are typically self-employed and work independently, providing services such as graphic design, writing, web development, marketing, consulting, and more. Freelancing […]

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Side Hustle: From Kathmandu to Global Cool

Just graduated and feeling the buzz? Welcome to the league of ambitious wannapreneurs ready to shake things up. If you’ve been toying with a side hustle, believing it’s your ticket to becoming the next big thing from Kathmandu, let’s get you up to speed. In the era of online gurus and success stories that float […]

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The Introvert’s Guide to Networking and Booking a Profit

Are you an introverted web developer looking to expand your professional network and boost your income? You’re not alone. Networking may seem daunting for introverts, but with the right approach, you can build meaningful connections that lead to financial success. In this blog, we’ll explore strategies to help introverts like you navigate the world of […]

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What goes into creating a $100M offer from the book by Alex Hormozi

Alex Hormozi is an entrepreneur and business consultant known for his work in the fitness industry and beyond. He co-founded Gym Launch, a company that provides business solutions to gym owners to help them grow and sustain their businesses. Under his leadership, Gym Launch rapidly grew, and Hormozi became recognized for his marketing and sales […]

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How to Get Rich (without getting lucky)

How to Get Rich (without getting lucky) Copied from Naval Ravikant’s Tweetstorm. Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy. Understand that ethical wealth creation is possible. If you secretly despise wealth, […]

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Two ways to live a life – Be broke or hustle

Today I want to remind you of a well-told story about a fisherman and a businessman. There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small Brazilian village. As he sat, he saw a Brazilian fisherman rowing a small boat towards the shore having caught quite a few big fish. The […]

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The next ‘one’ person

I recently got laid off from my job and I’m taking it slow. Reflecting on my career and what’s next. And I think I found a mission for the next chapter of my life. It’s finding the next ‘one’ person who could show me a path forward. Let me explain. I have come to a […]

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I might restart teaching programming

Back in 2011 when I was running GDG Kathmandu and Semicolon Developers I used to be surrounded by students everywhere. And every now and then they would ask me when would my next batch of web programming class start. I used to teach Professional Web Application Development and Android Mobile Application Development courses. And there […]

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How to make no money online?

Most of the time I spent on the internet is focused on networking, productivity, online business, learning new skills, keeping up with my tech stack and technical advancements, etc. And I realized that even after being on the internet for so long I’ve never made any substantial money online. But I’m changing focus. And investing […]

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I am proud of you my son (10yo)!

My wife started teaching at a primary school in Thapathali this academic year. It means she now has less time to help our sons 10 & 8 with their schoolwork. Ever since our sons started school she was the one taking care of their homework, projects, and assignments. I am a little busy with my […]

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What drinking Coca-Cola taught me about needs vs. wants

The monsoon in Nepal isn’t pouring as it used to in past years. And the summer is intolerable even in Kathmandu. I quit drinking beer 7 years ago. So, drinking chilled Coca-Cola has been a favorite activity this summer. In these 2-3 months my family has consumed about 20L of Coca-Cola. On most days the […]

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How to motivate an aspiring entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is someone who is motivated to pave their own path to riches. He or she is someone who is driven in the heart by a desire to achieve success on his/her own terms. Consistently trying out new things and ways to do business that will make him/her money. It’s so rewarding to see […]

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Search for Good

Thinking is For brainstorming ideas. Writing is For connecting old ideas. Speaking is For giving a voice to emotions. Watching is For exploration. Reading is The very complicated form of watching to explore and learn. That’s why a good picture, An art or a video is Worth the attention. Listening to music is Shortcut to […]

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सिलिकन भ्यालीको भूत

बिक्रम सम्बत २०८० सुरु हुदै गर्दा मैले आफ्नो अमेरिका बसाईको अनुभब समेटेर ब्लग लेख्छु भनेर एउटा रिजोलुसन लेखेको थिएँ । तर मलाई केहि कुरा सुरु गर्न त्यो कुरा किन गर्न लागेको हो भन्ने प्रश्नको उत्तर मिलेन भने सो काम गर्नै मन लाग्दैन । यो मेरो सानै देखिको बानि थियो । यो ब्लग पोस्टमा सो बारेमा […]

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Life 101

Top 100 lessons from the book “101 Simple Truths for a better life.” 1. Be humble, you don’t know everything. 2. Lift weights often. 3. Take walks in nature. 4. Seek discomfort often. 5. Think progress, not perfection. 6. Harness your ego 7. Don’t sell out for a quick buck. 8. If you can do […]

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Happy New Year 2080

As we gear up for the New Year 2080 BS, I have set several resolutions. The last time I sat down to write a New Year’s resolution was in 2069 BS. 10 years went by so soon. Many things have changed. Thanks to God that the days with 16 hours of power outages in Nepal […]

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Content Creation Foundations

I recently read a Case Study on Affiliate Marketing Commission by Adam Dukes, a digital content creator from Las Vegas. I follow him wholeheartedly and consider him one of my mentors, even though I’ve never hired him directly to help me. Below I’m sharing a section from his Case Study on how to create great […]

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एस.एल.सी आजकल एस.ई.ई फलामे ढोका । परीक्षा चल्दै गर्दा मन मा यो सकिएपछी त के के गर्नु छ भन्ने थियो । हिजो हो जस्तो लाग्छ एसएलसी दिएको । सबेरै उठेर गोरखापत्र किनेर रिजल्ट खोजेको । अनेक जिल्ला बाट फोन गरेर रिजल्ट सोध्नेहरुको नतिजा भनिदिएको । प्लस टू २ दिन मा सकियो, ब्याचलर ४ दिनमा अनि […]

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11 Soft Skills for Leaders

Soft skills refer to a person’s interpersonal skills and character traits that affect their relationships with others. They are typically viewed as a complement to hard skills, which pertain to a person’s occupational knowledge and abilities in the workplace. The term “soft skills” refers to a person’s emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) rather than their intelligence […]

नेपाली नलेख्ने नेपालीहरु

संदेश दाजु काठमाडौंको पपुलर स्कूलमा नेपाली पढाउनु हुन्छ l एकपल्ट दाजुले फेसबुक स्टाटस लेखी पोस्ट बटन दाबेर आफ्नो पोस्ट देखिएला भन्दै न्युज फिड हेरिरा बेला माथीबाट लुत्रुक्क एन.एस.ए सर्भिलेन्स सम्बन्धि पोस्ट झरेछ l संदेश दाजुको कम्पारो तात्यो l आफ्ना साथीले हेरुन भनेर लेखेको पोस्ट फेसबूक मार्फत घुमी फिरी कहाँ कहाँ पुग्दो रहेछ अनी त्यसमा अनेक […]

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म सोच हो । म कर्ण शाक्य को सोच हैन ।  म मेरो बोस को सोच हो । र मैले आज एउटा कथा लेख्दै छु । कसरी मैले १२ घण्टा ५९ मिनेटमा  बिश्व भ्रमण गरे अनि सगरमाथा को शिखरमा रहेका झन्डामा म कोरिएँ अनि कसरि अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्पेस स्टेसनमा मेरा बारेमा कुरा भए त्यसको कथा सुनाउछु […]

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Some advice for your 20s from random strangers

See if you are into exercising. Find something you love. Not everyone love weightlifting or jogging so try to find something you enjoy and better if you find a partner. The point is from my experience human vitality does not decrease continuously buy drops sharply after certain age. On my side it was 28 and […]

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शुभप्रभात v0.3

नयाँ दिनको शुभकामना ! हरेक दिन ब्रह्म मुहूर्तमा या सूर्योदय पहिले उठ्नु र आफ्नो नित्य कर्म गर्नु ! सर्जकमा नमन  सुर्य, चन्द्र, पृथ्वी, वायु, जल, अग्नि, आकाश सबै चलायमान छन् र त जीवन छ ! सम्पुर्ण चराचर जसले यो मेरो अस्तित्व सम्भब बनाएका छन् ती सबैमा कोटिकोटी नमन् । म यो आजको दिन पनि सदाझैँ […]

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शङ्ख र स्याल

बुवा आमाको ५० औं बर्षगाँठ्को अवसर पारेर काठमाडौँको धुलोमैलो बाट केहि दिन विश्राम लिन म यो हप्ता चितवन छु । आफू हुर्केको ठाँउ, धुलो कम, धुवाँ कम, हो-हल्ला कम आनन्द लाग्छ । मलाई  यो सन्सारमा म जति कोहि सुत्दैन होला जस्तो लाग्छ । सधैं राती  ८ बजे सुतेर बिहान ८ बजे उठ्ने प्राणी म आज […]

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Nepali Jokes & Riddles for Kids

Riddles: Q: Duita plane udirathyo. Dhwannga Thokyo. Tellai english ma ke bhanincha? A: Oil Jokes: बिहान बिहानै रेडियो बजाउदैआइते बिहान बिहानै रेडियो बजाउदै जंगल तिर तोइलेट गर्न भनेर हिलेछजब टोइलेट गरेर फर्कदै थियो धुर्मुसे ले सोधेछ – ओहो आइते म त मछु कि क्या हो, बिहान बिहानै रेडयो बोकेर हिनिस हँ आइते .. आइते – […]

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Nepali Pasa game rules

  पासा खेल दशैंँ तिहारमा साथीभाई परिवार जन बिच खेलिने रमाइलो खेल हो । धेरै पैसा हानेर जुवाको रुपमा खेल्दा यो खेलमा हार्नेले घर घडेरी गुमाउनु परेका कथा सुन्न पाइन्छ । यो खेल केबल मनोरञ्जनको लागी खेल्दा ठिक हुन्छ । चलन चल्तिका नियम यस प्रकार छन: – 3 game pieces, 3 टा पासा – 1, […]

आखिर तैले किन लेख्छस ?

क्याम्पस पढ्दा साथीले आखिर तैले किन लेख्छस भनेर सोधेको प्रश्नको उत्तर अहिले सम्म भेटेको छैन । पाँच बर्ष अघि मैले किन लेख्छु भनेर गम्ने जमर्को गरेको थिएँ । आज फेरी उही बिषय बस्तुमा फरक समय, स्थान र फरक प्रसंगमा लेख्ने मेसो मिलेको छ। म समय र परिस्थिति बदलिंदा सोचाई र भोगाई पनि संगसंगै बदलिन्छन भन्ने मान्छे ! लेखक, ऊ आफ्नो […]

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सन् १९९६ को मे महिना, छिमेकी कृष्ण दाइले कतार बाट पठाएको चिठी मेरो हातमा थमाइयो । मैले आवेग बिहिन समाचार वाचिकाले झैँ खरर पढेर भाउजु र उहाँकी ३ बर्षे छोरीलाई सुनाइदिनु पर्ने । म भर्खर अक्षर चिनेर पढ्न सकने भएको मान्छे । हलहल केहि मेसो लाउन अनि अर्थ्याउन सक्ने । तर त्यो चिठीको भोगाई मेरो […]

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What is worth remembering ?

I used to remember that life changed when perspective changed. But, perspectives are the results not the reasons, perspective is our impression, interpretation, shaped by what we choose to remember. It might not exist. Every moment, every moment is alive, life is in the things that you observe, life is in the people you love. […]

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Bad words on bad mood is bad

Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you’ll never get the opportunity to replace the words you speak.

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The Big Circle

The Big Circle

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Be water my friend !!!

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Be water, my […]

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Know Where To Mark a Cross (x)

The value of work done vs. value of the knowledge behind it.  Nikola Tesla once visited Henry Ford at his factory, which was having some kind of difficulty. Ford asked Tesla if he could help identify the problem area. Tesla walked up to a wall of boilerplate and made a small X in chalk on […]

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Do you believe in life after delivery ?

In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.” “Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind […]

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The nature of disruption

An idea is an experience. The experiences and their sum is what makes a life worth reverberating the universe. The great ideas of the world are thousands or God knows even millions of years old. Ideas are same. They haven’t changed much. Ideas aren’t created. Ideas aren’t invented. Ideas aren’t good. Ideas aren’t bad either. […]

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गरम मसला

कसले भनेर हुन्छ र – जिन्दगी यसो सही अनि त्यसो गलत । भोग्दै जाने हो, झेल्दै जाने हो । हिन्दै गर्दा बाटोमा लाग्न सक्ने ठेस र केराका बोक्राहरु आयसी टर्छन । यात्रा सुरु हुँदा सोच बनाउन, भबितब्यको लेखा-जोखा राख्न र एउटा खाका बनाउन सकिएला तर समय धाराको टूटी खोलेको र बन्द गरेको जस्तो गर्दै मात्रा […]

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जिन्दगीमायो मान्छे ठिक कि त्यो ठिक भनेरमान्छे खुट्याउन न अल्झेरकुरो के ठिक तसोच्ने भनेकठिन अबस्थामा पनी निर्णयहरु सहज बनी दिन्छन l

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लिए सुझाव, नलिए गफ

१. आफ्नो फुर्सदलाई अरुको फुर्सद नसम्झौं ।२. काम गर्ने वातावरणको सृजना आँफुबाट नै गरौं ।३. आफ्नो जिम्मेवारीको महसुश अरुलाई गराउँ ।४. मानीसलाई कामले काम सिकाउँछ र गफले सभ्यता, विश्वास र जिम्वेवारीवाट वञ्चित गराउँदछ ।५. शान्त र सभ्य तरिकावाट कार्य गर्न सिकौं तथा सिकाउँ ।६. सभ्यता, विश्वास र जिम्वेवारी बजारमा पाईने सस्तो चिज बस्तु होइन यसलाई जीवनभरी समालेर […]

Do what makes you happy ?

I have a challenge I would love your perspective on. In the area of financial flow, I’ve come to believe I somehow have a block that is impeding it. I have read insane amount of books on the subject and through a lot of introspection, believe this may be the case. HOWEVER…when I see someone […]

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2012 MW

A geek is that someguy or somegirl who enjoys sitting in front of a computer all day/eve to find out about what’s happening in the Information Technology world, to solve computation problems, or to build apps or websites for fun or for their clients. Everyone else, including your in-laws or your neighbor who sit in […]

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What makes a community ?

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. — GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

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Those Four Years in College

Note: When you read technology or tech: read it as software development, programming or app development in general. This post is my second attempt to look at the four years of computer science/engineering education in Nepal. The first one was more about “education and the course itself” and this one is more about thinking of […]

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Should I study Computer Engineering?

Should I study Computer Engineering in Nepal ? Other landing questions could be: Where can I study Computer Engineering in Nepal ? What is course structure of Computer Engineering from TU ? Why there are so many unrelated subject in TU Computer Engineering (BCT) curriculum ? What jobs are available for Computer Engineers in Nepal […]

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Why do I write ?

Actually, I don’t. I don’t write that much that a whole post dedicated to why I write would make any sense. But, the thing that pushes me to write once in a while is I like writing. I like writing because – I like sharing. I got to learn a lot by reading books, manuals, […]


प्रेमचरो #1 माहोल बेइमान छ। ऊ यत्तिकै रोमान्चित हुने मान्छे हैन । सधै जूनको उज्यालो हेर्ने, आज बढ्ता उज्यालो को सामिप्यता मा छ । पुरानो शितलताको भोगी, आजको शितलता बढी चिसो थियो भन्दै छ । एकतमास को माया, साथीको होस् वा घर परिवारको, त्यो नौलो बनेको छ आज । आज अचम्म भएको छ – कसैसंग […]

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कसलाई सोधुँ म कसले भन्छ ?

कसले भन्छ !समय थोरै छगर्नु धेरै छके मिल्दैन यहाँके पुग्दैन यहाँकसलाई सोधुँ मकसले भन्छ ! सबेरै उठ्नु छकलेज जानु छसाथीभाई यहाँभबिष्य कहाँकसलाई सोधु मकसले भन्छ ! बादल काट्नु छआकाशमा उडेरसंसार हेर्नुछके मिल्दैन यहाँकसलाई सोधुँ मकसले भन्छ ?

काश म आफुँ हुन्थें

काश म लहरा हुन्थेंलपक्क त्यो फूलसंग अंगालिन्थेंमानौं जोडी त्यस्तो हुनुपर्थ्यो !कोहि हुन्थ्यो, हामीलाई हेर्थ्योअनि त्यस्तै हुने कामना गर्थ्यो  ! काश म जून हुन्थेंअँध्यारोको बिचमा चम्किन्थेएउटा शीत दिन्थेंमानौं शितलता त्यस्तो हुनुपर्थ्यो !कोहि हुन्थ्यो, अँध्यारो हेर्थ्यो, जून हेर्थ्योअनि त्यस्तै हुने कामना गर्थ्यो ! काश म आफुँ हुन्थेंनितान्त आफ्नोम जस्तै, जस्तो बनाइएको थिएँकोहि हुन्थ्योआफूलाई हेर्थ्यो, मलाई हेर्थ्योअनि त्यस्तै म जस्तै […]

Dad can’t you be Grandpa?

Dad can’t you be Grandpa? —————————- I am being 18 from May 1st. I have started my college life a year before. I am a teenager with the same feelings.. Happiness, love, enjoy, frens…. I was controlled when my grandpa(GP) was with us, caring me, advising me- but everything is finished, he left me alone, […]

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