Bhupal Sapkota Computer Programmer Unraveling art, science, and commerce behind technology. Passionate about teaching web/mobile programming, writing, and growing an online business.

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Side Hustle: From Kathmandu to Global Cool

Just graduated and feeling the buzz? Welcome to the league of ambitious wannapreneurs ready to shake things up. If you’ve been toying with a side hustle, believing it’s your ticket to becoming the next big thing from Kathmandu, let’s get you up to speed. In the era of online gurus and success stories that float […]

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I like to build software, should I start a software company?

I like to build software, should I start a software company? If you are asking this question, you would be better off not starting a company. I may sound blunt but the question clearly reflects that you are not prepared. For the last few weeks, one young guy from Pokhara was constantly pinging me on […]

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