Bhupal Sapkota Software Consultant Helping founders build
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7th National ICT Student & Youth Conference – My Paper Abstract


7th National ICT Student & Youth Conference
Date: 15th January 2011, (Saturday)
Venue: Local Development training Center, Jawlakhel, Lalitpur
Time: 9:00 A.M – 4:00 pm


Organized By:

Information technology Society, Nepal (ITSN)

Conference Theme:

Youths on collaborative development

Conference Tracks:

Recent Trends in IT for Rural Developments
Smart Data Policy
IT Security
Electronic Document Management
Future Information Technology
Information & Multimedia Technology
Knowledge Discovery
E-Democracy, E-Participation and E-voting
Security & Cryptography
Digital Enterprise
E-Tourism for 2011
Impact of social network over Youth



I’ve always been a community and collaboration admirer. at present i work as software developer and there are few tools and concepts that we use daily to facilitate collaborative development. To share this idea, and expecting participation of college students in group software development in future i am going to present a paper titled “Collaborative Software Development – how Nepali youths could do it?”.

i will be talking about using Open Source and free collaboration tools available online and how we can use them to make our day to day software development tasks easier

My Paper Abstract:


        Collaborative Software Development,
        how Nepali youths could do it ?

Estimated Time:  20 Minutes for presentation

Update: This paper was created collaborating with @bibekraj . we used Google Docs Presentation as collaboration tool.


Collaboration is working together on site or off site,  in which two or more people work together convinced around a common goal.

In collaborative software development, a small sized team of developers or larger community of developers work together using specific source code control methods to facilitate the code sharing and combine working environment.

In foreign countries (US/UK) software development has flourished so much that they are leading the software development industry as a whole. The clue for this success is nothing more that community effort or to say collaborative contribution by a lot of developers who live in those countries. Whereas in Nepal, a youth gets introduced to collaborative development only after attempting few job interviews or looking through job vacancies. Knowledge of collaborative working is so essential that, the chances are odd you would be hired without its practical working knowledge. Further, knowledge of basic collaborative development tools will give each individual the opportunity to explore the whole Open Source World of software development.

The popular Open Source Software hosting platforms like, Google Code hosting, Github, SourceForge.Net are so rich in their user base (users who are developers or coders) and project base that any guy with few knowledge of writing "Hello World" codes in languages like C, C++, PHP, C#, Python, Ruby can get to see the actual code behind stable releases of larger Open Source projects. This gives a developer an opportunity to see how "the code" works in real world. How can she write better codes. What are best practices in software development. Obviously, if she can, she would contribute back to the project itself.

This paper, exploring the "7th National ICT Student & Youth Conference"  – Youths on collaborative development theme will try to introduce basic collaboration concepts, tools and how can we use them to get into Collaborative Software Development on personal team or community based teams to the college students of Nepal.

About Me:

at present i work as software developer at Semicolon Developers,
and working on ITS – Nepal as Second Vice President.

(I will attach the presentation here after conference, most probably tomorrow eve, stay tuned)

The Conference is Open to all Nepali professionals, youths and college students. Be in conference hall on time (around 9am) and we would go through all the registration process.

Location (ref: Ghanshyam):


Hope to meet you there.


Here’s the slide i presented today.

Download as PPT
Download as PDF


happy to know after presentation that participants liked it 🙂

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7th National ICT Student & Youth Conference – My Paper Abstract

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