Bhupal Sapkota Software Consultant Helping founders build
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Stop chasing money online, here’s what to do instead

Stop Chasing Money

Ever notice how when you start typing “stop chasing” into YouTube, the auto-suggestions seem to cover just about everything? Stop chasing women, love, relationships, you name it! But today, I want to chat about something a little different: chasing money. Spoiler alert—it’s just not worth the hassle.

Let me take you back to the year 2000, a time when I was diving headfirst into the world of online earning. I fell for the allure of blogging and AdSense, where folks were supposedly raking in cash by targeting high-paying keywords and sharing URLs with a massive network of bloggers. It seemed like the ultimate shortcut to success! Well, turns out, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I stumbled into this world accidentally, and before I knew it, my AdSense account was banned due to suspicious activity. Yep, the dream shattered, all for a measly $99 in earnings after three months of hustle.

Fast forward to today, where smartphones are practically glued to everyone’s hands, and social media platforms make it easier than ever to create content and potentially make some cash. But guess what? Folks are still making the same mistakes I did back then, getting their accounts suspended left and right in their quest for quick money from platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and more.

But here’s the real deal: the fast track to online earning is more like a unicorn than a reality. So what’s the solution? Stop chasing money like it’s the holy grail. Instead, focus on what genuinely interests you. Look for problems you can solve, serve your niche, and help people out. Let your online brand grow naturally, with intention and practice.

Don’t let desperation drive your actions. Instead, shift your mindset. On the internet, chasing money isn’t the answer. Instead, focus on solving problems, and the money will follow. It’s not about chasing a paycheck; it’s about chasing solutions and building something meaningful.

So here’s the real recipe for wealth:

1. Stop chasing money.
2. Chase problems. Detect people’s pain. Notice the gaps in the market.
3. Find solutions to those problems. Solve those pains. Fill in the gaps.

Happy problem-solving, and here’s to building something truly valuable!

Happy Friday!

– Bhupal

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Stop chasing money online, here’s what to do instead

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