Bhupal Sapkota Software Consultant Helping founders build
and launch their ideas with code & AI

Bhupal's Newsletter

I send out occassional email with programming resources, summaries of my readings on art, science, and commerce behind technology, my writings on growing an online business etc. Feel free to subscribe, no spam!



सन् १९९६ को मे महिना, छिमेकी कृष्ण दाइले कतार बाट पठाएको चिठी मेरो हातमा थमाइयो । मैले आवेग बिहिन समाचार वाचिकाले झैँ खरर पढेर भाउजु र उहाँकी ३ बर्षे छोरीलाई सुनाइदिनु पर्ने । म भर्खर अक्षर चिनेर पढ्न सकने भएको मान्छे । हलहल केहि मेसो लाउन अनि अर्थ्याउन सक्ने । तर त्यो चिठीको भोगाई मेरो […]

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What is worth remembering ?

I used to remember that life changed when perspective changed. But, perspectives are the results not the reasons, perspective is our impression, interpretation, shaped by what we choose to remember. It might not exist. Every moment, every moment is alive, life is in the things that you observe, life is in the people you love. […]

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Bad words on bad mood is bad

Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you’ll never get the opportunity to replace the words you speak.

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What the UX ?

  Picture worth a college education.

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