Sleep Smarter Every Night.
बिश्वास जित
आफ्नो काम गर
आफ्नो लागि बोल
रिजल्ट नकी तिम्रो अहंकार !
डिटेलमा ध्यान देउ ।
च्यालेन्जेजहरु अवसर हुन् ।
बेलुका सुत्न जाँदा
बिहान उठ्दा भन्दा
स्मार्ट भएर सुत !
जाऊ, दोहोर्याउ ।
Be reliable.
Do your job.
Speak for yourself.
Outcome over ego.
Focus on the details.
See challenges as opportunities.
Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.
Now, repeat.
Sleep Smarter Every Night